Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian; Jerjen, Rafael; Kilchenmann, Lorenz & Senn, Olivier (05.07.2024). The sound(s) of groove: Genre-specific polyphonic timbre and the urge to move. ESCOM 12, York.
Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Kilchenmann, Lorenz & Witek, Maria (18.10.2023). A driving beat with a captivating melody on top: the relationship between groove and catchiness in polyphonic popular music. SysMus23, Sheffield.
Jerjen, Rafael; Hoesl, Florian; Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Senn, Olivier & Bechtold, Toni Amadeus (19.06.2023). Extending the Lucerne Groove Library. RPPW19, Nottingham.
Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian & Jerjen, Rafael (07.07.2019). Sample Selection in Corpus-Based Research and the Canonization of Popular Music. IMS 2019: Intercongressional Symposium, Luzern.
Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian & Senn, Olivier (24.07.2018). Categorizing Western popular music drum patterns. ICMPC15-ESCOM10, Graz.
Senn, Olivier; Bullerjahn, Claudia; Kilchenmann, Lorenz & von Georgi, Richard (30.08.2017). Listeners' sensitivity to microtiming deviations in swing and funk music. International Symposium on Performance Science 2017, Reykjavik.
Kilchenmann, Lorenz; Bechtold, Toni Amadeus; Hoesl, Florian & Senn, Olivier (30.08.2017). The Lucerne Groove Research Library: A collection of materials for groove studies. International Symposium on Performance Science 2017, Reykjavik.
Senn, Olivier & Kilchenmann, Lorenz (17.08.2015). The effect of microtiming on body movement behavior when listening to swing or funk music. ESCOM 2015, Manchester.
Camp, Marc-Antoine; Kilchenmann, Lorenz & Senn, Olivier (08.09.2010). Über auditive Synchronizität. Research Day, Lucerne.