2000 lic. oec. publ., University of Zurich
2005 Dr. oec. publ., University of Zurich
2012 Title of Professor, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
2015 Certificate of Advanced Studies of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts in University Didactic
Professional life
1997 - 2000 University of Zurich, student research assistant and project collaborator
2001 - 2002 Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University of Greifswald, scientific assistant
2002 Risk Dialogue Foundation, St. Gallen, project collaborator
2003 - 2008 ETH Zurich, scientific assistant respectively research associate
2008 - today Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne School of Business, Lecturer and project leader
2009 - 2013 leader of the competence centre "Regional Economics"
until 2013 Co-director of the Institute of Management and Regional Economics IBR