Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Götmann, Alexander (16.09.2024). Führung und Nachhaltigkeit: Psychologische Führungsansätze für Verantwortung und Wandel. DGPs/ÖGP Congress 2024 in Vienna – Menschen, Mitwelt, Medien, Wien.
Decker, Vivian; Manchen Spörri, Sylvia; Monnier, Moana & Stolz, Ingo (06.07.2023). International virtual leadership in legacy firms: Deriving impact for practice from competence modelling. European Group for Organizational Studies, Cagliari.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (29.05.2019). Participation and Achievement of Objectives in linguistically diverse Teams: How to overcome the Obstacles of a Lingua Franca. 19th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Turin.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (13.11.2018). On the way from knowledge transfer in management education to interdisciplinary key competencies for sustainable development in higher education. The 5th Responsible Management Education Research Conference: Leadership Development for Advancing the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, Cologne.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (23.05.2014). Diversity im Team – Wie können Sie die Potentiale Ihres Teams entfalten? Symposium Personalmanagement im Bildungsbereich: Führen von Teams, Zürich.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (07.10.2013). Communication of moderators in linguistically and culturally diverse teams. Results of two field studies in international companies in Switzerland. 3rd Annual Conference. Intercultural Competence: Key to the New Multicultural Societies of the Globalized World, Siena.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Weinzinger, Caroline (15.02.2013). Participation in linguistically diverse Teams: Lingua Franca Use as an Obstacle? International Meeting - Linguae Francae and linguistic diversity in the work place, Winterthur.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (25.08.2011). The Role of language diversity for cooperative work: Communicative problems and strategies in multilingual work groups. 15th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Maastricht.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia; Ramsauer, Nadja & Weiss Sampietro, Theresia (23.06.2011). Technical companies in Switzerland on the way to a corporate culture in line with gender equality. Gender and Interdisciplinary Education for Engineers – GIEE. HELENA International Conference, Paris.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Hohenstein, Christiane (23.09.2010). Language Diversity in Cooperative Work Processes of Taskoriented Teams. Small Group Meeting on Managing Diversity in Organizations: Bridging the World of Science and Practical Significance,, Birmingham / Aston Business School.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (14.07.2010). Gender and diversity competence – a future criterion for the selection and development of managers? Equalitiy, Diversity and Inclusion, Stream Diversity-related Knowledge and Competences for Leadership, Vienna.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Weinzinger, Caroline (16.11.2009). Participatory Video - eine Methode zur Förderung des Wissenstransfers im Bereich Genderkompetenz in Beruf und Bildung. Internationale Fachtagung SciCom09: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Wissenschaftskommunikation, Wien.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Weinzinger, Caroline (08.09.2009). Discrimination through the viewfinder: Raising awareness for workplace discrimination using film based on online-surveys and interviews. International Conference University Stockholm, Stockholm.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (26.08.2009). Und dann greif ich doch schnell zum Telefon ..... - Möglichkeiten und Grenzen computervermittelter Kommunikation in virtuellen Teams. Symposium Wirtschaftskommunikation und neue Medien, Winterthur.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Weinzinger, Caroline (04.06.2009). Career entry of young female professionals. Challenges and interventions via use of media. 7th European Research Conference, Gendered Cultures at the Crossroads of Imagination, Knowledge and Politics, Utrecht.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Weinzinger, Caroline (13.05.2009). Laissez-faire or Laissez-seul? Leadership style and destructive leader behaviour. 14 th European Congress of Work and Organzational Psychology (EAWOP), Santiago de Compostela.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Weinzinger, Caroline (04.02.2009). Discrimination through the view finder: Raising awareness for workplace discrimination using film based on online-surveys and interviews. Feminist Research Methods Conference, Stockholm.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (13.09.2007). Developing a Competence Model for Management Including Gender Mainstreaming and Diversity. 10 th Congress of the Swiss Society of Psychology. Differences, Diversity and Change, Zürich.
Grote, Gudela; Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Springall, Lille (27.02.2003). Führung virtueller Teams in der IT-Branche: Neue Herausforderungen an Führung und Kommunikation. 9. Dresdner Symposium für Psychologie der Arbeit, Dresden.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia; Grote, Gudela & Springall, Lille (22.09.2002). Führung virtueller Teams. 43. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Berlin.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia (04.03.2002). Systemische Führung in virtuellen Teams. 12. Zürcher Symposium für Arbeitspsychologie, Zürich.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Grote, Gudela (16.05.2001). E-Leadership: Problems in managing virtual teams. 10th European Congress of the Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Prag.
Manchen Spörri, Sylvia & Grote, Gudela (18.03.2000). Vernetzte Zusammenarbeit von Unternehmen im Spannungsfeld von Autonomie, Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaften, Berlin.