Köchli, Sabrina; Rose, Dawn; Taghipour, Armin; Alessandri, Elena & Isenegger, Manuel. Grant: IDN Performance Lab. Project Leader (Grant). Interdisziplinäres Netzwerk (IDN) Luzern (CH).
Alessandri, Elena; Sigrist, Carlo & Halter, Valérie. Internationales Symposium "Empowering Musicians: Gesund zum Erfolg" vom 24. und 25. November 2022. Ein Symposium zur Gesundheit von (angehenden) Profi-Musiker:innen. Co-Organisation. Hochschule Luzern - Musik.
Alessandri, Elena. Invited lecture. 'Reviewing critical practice:Gramophone critics’ judgements of Beethoven’s piano sonatas', Grove Forum Lecture Series. Royal College of Music, London, March 2014.
Alessandri, Elena; Eiholzer, Hubert & Williamon, Aaron. Conference presentation. 'Between producers and consumers: Critics’ role in guiding listeners’ choices', International Symposium on Performance Science 2013. University of Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, August 2013.
Alessandri, Elena. Invited talk. 'The Ethics of Music Criticism', Annual congress of the European Association of Conservatoires AEC. Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory, St. Petersburg, November 2012.
Alessandri, Elena. Ethical dilemmas of performance evaluators. Invited talk, 'Ethical dilemmas of performance evaluators', Workshop The Ethics of Music Making. Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, Monte Veritá, September 2012.
Alessandri, Elena. Invited lecture. 'Critica Musicale quale strumento di valutazione estetica', Art & Science Research Day. Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, March 2011.
Alessandri, Elena; Cervino, Alessandro; Eiholzer, Hubert; Senn, Olivier & Williamon, Aaron. Investigating Critical Practice. Conference paper, 'Investigating Critical Practice', International Symposium on Performance Science 2011. University of Toronto, Toronto, August 2011.
Alessandri, Elena. Invited lecture. 'The Ethics of Music Performance Evaluation', Musik Talks Lecture Series. Hochschule Luzern - Musik in collaboration with the Schweizerische Musikforschende Gesellschaft (SMG) Sektion Luzer. Lucerne, November 2011..
Alessandri, Elena. Conference presentation. 'Music Performance ID', 5th Swiss Innovation Forum. Novartis Campus, Basel, November 2010.
Alessandri, Elena. Conference presentation. 'Discography or What Analysts of Recordings do Before Analyzing', International Conference of Music Performance Analysis, Symposium 2: Methods of Music Performance Analysis. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, June 2009.
Alessandri, Elena. Conference presentation. 'Why on Earth should a Musician do Research?', The differences of Art and Art research across the disciplines. Zürich, April 2009.