Fister, Leonard; Kraft, Christian & Steffen, Daniel (2024). Verteilung und Leistbarkeit von Wohnraum. Swiss Real Estate Journal, 2024(28), 4-9.
Bodammer, Alexa; Fister, Leonard; Kraft, Christian & Steffen, Daniel (2023). Wie nachhaltig sind Wohnhochhäuser? Eine empirische Analyse im Kontext städtischen Wachstums. Swiss Real Estate Journal, 26, 16-24.
Braun, Jens; Fister, Leonard; Pawlowski, Jan M. & Rennecke, Fabian (2016). From Quarks and Gluons to Hadrons: Chiral Symmetry Breaking in Dynamical QCD. Phys. Rev. D, 2016(94),
Cyrol, Anton; Fister, Leonard; Mitter, Mario; Pawlowski, Jan M. & Strodthoff, Nils (2016). Landau gauge Yang-Mills correlation functions. Phys. Rev. D, 2016(94),
Fister, Leonard & Iancu, Edmond (2015). Medium-induced jet evolution: wave turbulence and energy loss. JHEP, 2015(03),
Fister, Leonard & Pawlowski, Jan M. (2015). Functional renormalization group in a finite volume. Phys. Rev. D, 2015(92),
Blaizot, Jean-Paul; Fister, Leonard & Mehtar-Tani, Yacine (2015). Angular distribution of medium-induced QCD cascades. Nucl. Phys. A, 2015(940),
Haas, Michael; Fister, Leonard & Pawlowski, Jan M. (2014). Gluon spectral functions and transport coefficients in Yang-Mills theory. Phys. Rev. D, 2014(90),
Fister, Leonard & Maas, Axel (2014). Exploratory study of the temperature dependence of magnetic vertices in SU(2) Landau gauge Yang--Mills theory. Phys. Rev. D, 2014(90),
Fischer, Christian; Fister, Leonard; Lücker, Jan & Pawlowski, Jan M. (2014). Polyakov loop potential at finite density. Phys. Lett. B, 2014(732),
Boz, Tamer; Cotter, Seamus; Fister, Leonard & Skullerud, Jon-Ivar (2013). Phase transitions and gluodynamics in 2-colour matter at high density. Eur. Phys. J. A, 2013(49),
Fister, Leonard & Pawlowski, Jan M. (2013). Confinement from Correlation Functions. Phys. Rev. D, 2013(88),
Alkofer, Reinhard; Fister, Leonard & Schwenzer, Kai (2010). On the Infrared Behavior of Landau Gauge Yang-Mills Theory with a Fundamentally Charged Scalar Field. Phys. Lett. B, 2010(688),