Die Veranstaltung findet während des Semesters von September bis Dezember und von Februar bis Juni jeden ersten Donnerstag im Monat statt und ist offen für Doktorierende der Hochschule Luzern – Design Film Kunst (HSLU), des National Institute of Design (NID) und weiteren interessierten Gästen und Doktorierenden anderer Hochschulen.
Nächste Veranstaltung
Julia Lohmann – Seaweed – Material, Muse and Method
Donnerstag, 6. März 2025
12:00 - 13:15 (CET / Central Europe)
4:30 pm - 5:45 pm (IST / India)
"Julia Lohmann will introduce her practice-led research into biomaterials and the ethics and value systems underpinning human-nature relationships. She uses her exploration of seaweed as a sustainable biomaterial to develop immersive, critical, and reflective design practices guided by the biomaterial agency of the macroalgae. Julia believes that this fosters a biocentric mindset and values-based, empathic design that connects knowing, caring, and acting. She proposes co-speculation as a practice to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration in communities of practice. Seaweed is Julia's material, muse, and method in exploring how we can become a species with a regenerative impact on the Earth that sustains us.
Julia Lohmann is a designer, researcher, and educator exploring the ethical and material dimensions of our relationship with nature. She is an Honorary Royal Designer for Industry in Regenerative Design and Associate Professor of Contemporary Design at Aalto University, Finland. Julia founded the Department of Seaweed, a community exploring the materiality and regenerative eco-systemic impact of algae. Lohmann promotes an empathic, biocentric mindset and uses design to connect knowing, caring, and acting across disciplines. Julia holds a PhD from the Royal College of Art and contributes to research consortia on design, biomaterials, ecology, and ocean literacy. Her work has been recognized globally.
Find out more about Julia Lohmann and her work here.
As a preparation for the event, we recommend to read two of Julia`s recent articles:
Bei Fragen zur Veranstaltungsreihe oder dem PhD-Programm, senden Sie diese bitte per Mail an esi@hslu.ch.