Simonett, Helena; Zimmermann, Dominic; Kammermann, Andrea & Petersen, Suse (11.01.2025). To Rap or Not to Rap: Reflections on (Dis)Empowering Young Refugees in Music Workshops. 48th ICTMD World Conference, Wellington NZ & online.
Simonett, Helena (10.11.2024). Rap Literacy: Die Rolle der Sprache in Musikworkshops für junge geflüchtete Menschen. Conference “Musicking in der Arbeit mit geflüchteten Menschen", Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland.
Simonett, Helena & Zimmermann, Dominic (17.10.2024). To Rap or not to Rap: Reflections on (Dis)Empowering Young Afghan Refugees in Music Workshops. The Society for Ethnomusicology – 2024 Virtual Annual Meeting, Online.
Simonett, Helena (15.06.2024). Contained by a cocoon: human-animal-environment relationships in Indigenous Mexico (Panel Discussion). Conference “Klima | Klang | Transformation”, Universität Potsdam, Germany.
Kammermann, Andrea; Kirschstein, Natalie; Petersen, Suse & Simonett, Helena (14.12.2023). Music as Empowerment: Rückblick und Ausblick am Durchgangszentrum Grosshof. Austauschtreffen Durchgangszentrum Grosshof, Kriens.
Simonett, Helena (13.07.2023). Tumbando muros /Chanting down the walls: Music, Migration Policy, Human Dignity. Roundtable with Tan Sooi Beng, Sarah Weis, Rachel Ong, Kendra Stepputat: Boundaries, Borderlands, and Belonging: Translocal Performances as Decolonizing and Community-forming Forces. 47th World Conference of the ICTM, University of Ghana, Legon.
Simonett, Helena (14.04.2023). Music Projects with Young Refugees: Empowerment through Musicking. BFE Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
Simonett, Helena (26.11.2022). Zuhören: Musicking als Empowerment von jungen Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund. Tagung “Musik und Migration”, Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen, Rorschach, Switzerland.
Simonett, Helena (29.10.2022). Zuhören als Strategie zum Empowerment (erste Etappe des SNF Projekts "Music as Empowerment: Engaging young refugees in musicking as a way of social immersion"). Swiss Society for Ethnomusicology (CH-EM), Universität Bern.
Kirschstein, Natalie & Simonett, Helena (07.10.2022). Tùn resùn: Walking in the Sounding Forest. Conference Seeking Birdscapes: Musik, Ökologie und die Klangwelten der Vögel, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, Switzerland.
Simonett, Helena (10.09.2022). Tumbando muros–Chanting down the walls: Music, Migration Policy, Human Dignity. Symposium Boundaries, Borderlands, and Belonging: Translocality and the Navigation of Cultural Movements, Intersections, and Conflicts, Graz, Austria.
Beck, Jaqueline; Büeler, Matthias; Kammermann, Andrea; Petersen, Suse; Simonett, Helena & Zimmermann, Dominic (07.07.2022). Ohren auf Reisen. Midissage und Ausstellung der Hörbeiträge «Ohren auf Reisen», Hochschule Luzern, Schweiz.
Simonett, Helena (01.06.2022). Mensch-Tier-Transformation jenseits von Natur und Kultur: Von der Ethnographie zur Theorie. Kolloquium zu aktuellen Fragen in der Musikforschung, Institut für Musikwissenschaft Weimar-Jena, Weimar-Jena, Deutschland.
Simonett, Helena (09.02.2022). Mensch-Tier-Transformationen jenseits von Natur und Kultur: Schlussfolgerungen aus einer musikethnologischen Betrachtung indigener Kosmologien. Mittwochskonferenzen Forschungszentrum Historische Geisteswissenschaften, online.
Simonett, Helena (27.11.2021). Hören oder sehen? – Indigene Hörkonzepte auf dem Prüfstand der westlichen Wissenschaft. Hinhören–Zuhören– Weghören ÖGMW 2021 Jahrestagung, online.
Simonett, Helena (09.11.2021). La transformación de los danzantes y músicos yoreme en animales durante sus ceremonias. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, Fonoteca, Mexico City, online.
Simonett, Helena (14.10.2021). “Musik und Migration Projekte”. Blocktagewoche, Rorschach, SG, Schweiz.
Simonett, Helena (10.04.2021). "Lo que canta el carrizo": Contemplating the Relationship between Human and Nonhuman Birds. Panel Chair: "Sound Ecologies: Birds, Trees, and Other Sounding and Listening Agencies". Annual Conference of the British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE), U.K., online.
Simonett, Helena (31.03.2021). Sounding cocoons: Indigenous Cultural Strategies in Times of Environmental Degradation and Loss of Biodiversity. Annual Conference of the Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA), U.K., online.
Burgos Dávila, César J. & Simonett, Helena (16.03.2021). “Soy gallo de Sinaloa jugado en varios palenques": Production and Consumption of Narco-music in a Transnational World. Seminar at Université catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium.
Simonett, Helena & Awadi, Jawed (26.08.2020). Music in and for a Mobile World: An Example of Collaborative Artistic Research. ICTM Study Groups of Applied Ethnomusicology and Artistic Research 7th Meeting, online.
Simonett, Helena (11.07.2019). Mobile Identities: Alternative Definitions of National Belonging. 45th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), Bangkok, Thailand.
Simonett, Helena (11.07.2019). Mobile Identities: Alternative Definitions of National Belonging. 45th World Conference of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM), Bangkok, Thailand.
Simonett, Helena (15.05.2019). Coping Through Music. Writing Workshop “Musique, humanitaire et post-conflit,” Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, Paris, France.
Simonett, Helena (15.04.2019). Music and Identity. Workshop and panel, Symposium “Music for Change,” Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich, Switzerland.
Simonett, Helena (05.11.2018). Contained in a Cocoon: The Material and Non-material World of a "Musical Instrument”. Seminar at Universidà di Roma “La Sapienza”, Rom, Italy.
Simonett, Helena (19.10.2018). Mobile Identities: Production and Consumption of Narco-music in a Transnational World. International Association of the Study of Popular Music (IASPM D-A-CH) Pop–Power–Positions, Bern.
Simonett, Helena (09.07.2018). Overcoming the Silent Stage: Possibilities for Applied Ethnomusicology to Empower Unaccompanied Minor Asylum-seekers (Switzerland). 6th Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Applied Ethnomusicology, Beijing, China.
Simonett, Helena (25.11.2017). Musical Identities of Asylum-seeking Youth, Lucerne. Meeting of the Swiss Society for Ethnomusicology (CH-EM), Bern, Switzerland.
Simonett, Helena (18.08.2017). Music across Borders: Reflections on Musical Identity in a Globalized World. Transculturalism in Music, Altdorf, Switzerland.
Simonett, Helena (17.07.2017). Yoreme Cocoon Leg Rattles: An Eco-organological Perspective. 44th World Conference, Limerick, Ireland.
Simonett, Helena (20.04.2017). Yoreme Cocoon Leg Rattles: An Eco-organological Study of a Unique ‘Sound Maker'. Invited Lecture, Tennessee.