After studying psychology, Marcel Zbinden worked in the field until he joined the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. For almost 20 years, in various roles in market research and marketing, he was always concerned with questions of how people think, feel, behave and make decisions.
Marcel Zbinden teaches business psychology, market research and sustainable consumption as part of the Bachelor's degree program in Business Psychology at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. His research in various projects focuses on sustainable consumer behavior and the sharing economy. In these areas, he is a lecturer and researcher as well as a speaker and leads external workshops. He also works as a freelance behavioral coach.
Professional background
Since 2018: Senior Lecturer in Business Psychology, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Senior Lecturer in Business Psychology, Market Research & Sustainable Consumption
Researcher and expert in the field of consumer behavior with focus on sustainability & the sharing economy
Head of Major Market and Consumer Psychology until summer 2021
2021 Co-Head of CAS Customer Psychology
2014 - 2017 Global Category Head Speciality Cheese, Emmi AG
2010 - 2014 Head of Market Research, Emmi AG
2003 - 2010 Member of the Executive Board, TransferPlus Market Research AG
1999 - 2002 Market Research Assistant, UBS AG
Training and further education
Psychologist lic.phil. I, specializing in social psychology, University of Zurich
MBA, specializing in Marketing, University of Educatis