Schwerpunkte der Konferenz bilden die Themen Resilienz, Ökologie und Werte. Im Rahmen der CIB W 104 «Open Building Implementation» Sessions wird Natalie Plagaro Cowee stellvertretend für das CCTP das Paper «ANTIFRAGILITY IN ARCHITECTURE – Improving architecture with appropriate reaction to positive stressors» vorstellen. Hier als Vorgeschmack der englische Abstract:
«Unpredictable building and neighbourhood stressors provoke a constant request for adaptability, threatening fragile systems with collapse if they are incapable of reacting. Inspired by evolutionary epigenetic mechanisms, strategies are proposed that increase the adaptability of the built environment. In applying consciously developed, partially controllable positive stressors to existing neighbourhoods and buildings, reactive processes occur that redirect fragile systems towards robustness, resilience or onto antifragility.
An assessment model is developed for the implementation of positive stressors in neighbourhoods, buildings and processes increasing the adaptability of the built environment and generating collective benefit.»