Master of Arts in Fine Arts with Major in Art Teaching (MAT) and an EDK*-certified teaching degree *EDK: Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (Federal Swiss Board of Education)
Artistic projects and aesthetic education in schools
The Major Art Teaching (MAT) equips you to respond with insight and precision to conditions in society today, both through your own art and your art education practices: as an independent artist, art outreach and education worker (e.g. in museums), cultural sector educationalist, teacher of visual/ fine arts to baccalaureate level (Sek II, GSCE “A” level).
Please refer to the page
Admission Procedure and Admission Requirements for general admission requirements for the Master's programme.
For the teaching diploma programme in Artistic Design at Matura Schools as part of the Master's programme in Fine Arts, specialisation in Art Teaching, a primary school teaching diploma or an upper secondary level diploma is required in addition to the completed Bachelor's programme (Gymnasiale Maturität, EFZ with Berufsmaturität or Fachmaturität).
Admission to the study programme depends, firstly, on the quality of your application and, secondly, on your personal interview with the admission board. You apply using the registration button, along with a portfolio that attests your artistic qualifications and a brief motivation statement. If these are found suitable, you will be invited to attend an interview.
Portfolio submission and the interview together comprise the Admission Procedure. The Procedure may vary slightly, depending on the study programme.
For details, see the Info Sheet: Admission Procedure
Academic year 2024/25: Thursday, 7 March 2024
Academic year 2024/25: 16 September 2024
The semester dates and our academic calendar can be found here.