Haenggli, Madeleine & Valero, Domingo (09.08.2024). Bridging the Practitioner-Researcher-Gap for Effective Collaboration in Career Research. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.
Haenggli, Madeleine & Valero, Domingo (18.04.2024). Bridging the practitioner-researcher gap for effective collaboration in career research (Professional Development Workshop - PDW). Career Division Community Conference, Amsterdam.
Valero, Domingo; Haenggli, Madeleine & Seibert, Scott (18.04.2024). Contrast or reinforcement? Disentangling the dynamics of change in work values across time. Career Division Community Conference, Amsterdam.
Valero, Domingo & Haenggli, Madeleine (12.09.2023). Verstärkungs- oder Mangelmechanismus? Ein Experiment zur Beurteilung der Veränderungsprozesse arbeitsbezogener Werte. 13. Fachgruppentagung der Fachgruppe Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Kassel.
Valero, Domingo; González-López, María José; Pérez-López, María del Carmen; Zhang, Chunyu & Froidevaux, Ariane (10.09.2022). Cross-cultural exploration of entrepreneurial intentions and its predictors: Are similar groups underlying the differences between countries? 52. Konferenz der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie DGPS, Hildesheim, Germany.
Batt, Verena; Valero, Domingo; Stolz, Ingo & Gubler, Martin (10.09.2022). When crisis hits: The relevance of different sources of social support for career outcomes in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. 52. Konferenz der deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie DGPS, Hildesheim, Germany.
Valero, Domingo; Zhang, Chunyu; González-López, María José & Nagy, Noémi (05.08.2022). A multiple-group latent profile exploration of work value profiles across cultures. Symposium -Extending the Benefits of Mixture Modeling Approaches in Career and Organizational Behavior Research. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Zhang, Chunyu; Valero, Domingo & Froideveaux, Ariane (04.08.2022). The effect of calling on career-related outcomes: A comparison between Chinese and American students. Symposium-Career Calling Across Culture And Generations. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual meeting of American Psychological Association, Minneapolis MI. Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MI.
Valero, Domingo (22.09.2021). Affektives Erleben zu Beginn des Arbeitslebens – Wirkungen auf kognitive Bewertungen gegenüber dem Job. 12. AOW Fachgruppentagung 2021, Chemnitz.
Valero, Domingo & Hirschi, Andreas (30.06.2016). An integrative model of motivation: Driver of a successful start into working life. National Career Development Association Global Conference, Chicago, IL.
Valero, Domingo & Hirschi, Andreas (24.09.2015). Arbeitsmotivationsprofile von jugendlichen Schülern und Lernenden: Beschreibung und Vorhersage der Entwicklung von arbeitsbezogenem Erleben. 9th Fachgruppentagung Arbeits- Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Mainz.
Valero, Domingo & Hirschi, Andreas (09.09.2015). Profiles of work motivation in youth: Description of profiles and prediction of Career development. 14th Biannual Congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Geneva.
Valero, Domingo; Keller, Anita C. & Hirschi, Andreas (22.05.2015). Role models for early career development: Effects in native and migrant youth. Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology EAWOP, Oslo.
Hirschi, Andreas & Valero, Domingo (10.10.2014). Motivation and career outcomes in youth: Testing cross-lagged effects in adolescent workers. Annual Conference of the Society for Longitudinal Lifespan Studies SLLS, Lausanne.
Valero, Domingo; Hirschi, Andreas & Strauss, Karoline (04.08.2014). Hope in the early career: Mediating effects of work motivation on performance and turnover intentions. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management AoM, Philadelphia, PA.
Valero, Domingo & Hirschi, Andreas (27.09.2013). Ein integratives Modell der beruflichen Motivation beim Eintritt ins Berufsleben. 78. Tagung der Sektion für empirische Bildungsforschung AEPF/KBBB, Dortmund.