Z'Rotz, Jana (29.01.2025). Does teleworking make you happier? Research Symposium Health Lucerne, University of Lucerne.
Z'Rotz, Jana (13.12.2024). From flexibility to stress? The impact of telework on paid work-life balance and well-being. Work and Social Justice: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age, University of Zurich.
Z'Rotz, Jana (06.05.2024). Telework and individual living space: Does teleworking increase the consumption of living space? 22nd Annual STS Conference Graz 2024, Graz.
Z'Rotz, Jana (26.03.2024). About flexible working arrangements in the post-COVID context and the advantages (and disadvantages) for work-life balance and well-being. Referat Seminar "travail et genre", Neuchâtel.
Tomic, Uros; Oberkamsteiner, Jasmin; Lobsiger-Kägi, Evelyn; Sütterlin, Bernadette; Z'Rotz, Jana & Ohnmacht, Timo (28.11.2023). Unveiling sustainability-related lifestyles: A framework for lifestyle based segmentation in sustainability research. 7th Behave Conference of the European Energy Network (EnR), Maastrich.
Z'Rotz, Jana; Balthasar, Noah & Ohnmacht, Timo (14.09.2023). The effects of teleworking on CO2 emissions to commute: Baselining key data in living labs to investigate transformative change. Swiss Mobility Conference SMC 2023, Lausanne.
Z'Rotz, Jana (07.09.2023). New work, new problems? An investigation into teleworking and its relationship with gender, mobility and well-being. New Work – New Problems? Gender Perspectives on the Transformation of Work, Luzern.
Ohnmacht, Timo; Z'Rotz, Jana & Balthasar, Noah (06.07.2023). Monitoring transformative change within a living lab: a participatory survey design for base-lining key data. Sustainable Consumption and Production SCP Conference 2023, Wageningen, Niederlande.
Z'Rotz, Jana (13.09.2021). Umfrage zu Homeoffice in öffentlichen Verwaltungen: Auswirkungen der Covid-19-Pandemie auf die Arbeitskultur in Gemeinden und Kantonen. regiosuisse-Wissenschaftsforum 2021, Andermatt.
Z'Rotz, Jana (16.09.2020). Neue Arbeitsformen in der Praxis: Erste Erkenntnisse zu Homeoffice in öffentlichen Verwaltungen. Plattform «Digitalisierung und Regionalentwicklung», Online.
Z'Rotz, Jana (05.11.2019). Zukunft Coworking: Potentiale für Wirtschaft und Umwelt? Update. Die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft - Poentiale für Wirtschaft und Umwelt, Hochdorf.
Ohnmacht, Timo & Z'Rotz, Jana (26.09.2019). Coworking auf dem Land: Potentiale für Wirtschaft und Umwelt ? W-Open, Luzern.